Thursday 10 March 2011

Throughout the media today, products can promote themselves by showing themselves across three media platform these are: E-media, print and also broadcast. Both of my case studies cover each of these platforms. The texts I have chosen to do are: Doctor Who and Eastenders. Both cross the gratifications of all the media today. Furthermore I have researched information about the three texts, and my research shows that each platform relates and promotes the other platform. All of which try to create a larger audience and gain larger revenue for the institution behind the actual programme themselves.

How does the official eastenders website engage their audience?
The official website features a variety of content to keep the viewer interested and compelled to find out what happens in the next episode. While the program has a cliff hanger at the end viewers are allowed to indulge in a teaser clip on the website to satisfy their cravings. This technique incorporates e-media into it and in turn makes it successful because of its popularity.
The website also allows viewers to post their opinions online and have a forum where viewers can discuss and talk about how they have been feeling about the show lately. The people who created this on the website have intentionally done this so that audiences can feel more a part of the production of eastenders. Additionally the games and activities on the site for instance the dress up a character game attract a broader range of audiences, from as young as 12 to a more experienced 50+.
On the website the institution have presented future episode briefs so that viewers can get a taste of the next piece of drama. Doing so will bring on board more on lookers because of the anticipation involved and over time this will affect their ratings as a program. The e-media have provided the audience to explore more in depth of the engineering of the show. Provided it is successful, this has potential to attract more viewers especially ones of the younger generations as it incorporates the use of internet.

Friday 18 February 2011

Intro-not complete

Throughout the media today, products can promote themselves by showing themselves across three media platform these are: E-media, print and also broadcast. Both of my case studies  cover each of these platforms. The texts I have chosen to do are: Docotor Who and Eastenders.Both cross the gratifications of all the media today. Furthermore I have researched information about the three texts, and my research shows that each platform relates and promotes the other platform. All of which try to create a larger audience and gain a larger revenue for the institution behind the actual programme themselves.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Kidulthood Textual Analysis

Media forms: What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the film?
The trailer starts with usage of explicit language and an image of a gun being directed at someone’s head. So we can infer that immediately the trailer try’s to engage us with the presentation of action although it does not give us enough clues as to what will occur in the narrative. Therefore this technique forces the viewer to find out and stay compelled. From the start of the trailer the producers and media institutions involved are shown to inform the audience of who it is that has produced this film and respectively what kind of background and experience they offer. Also the slogan at the end; ‘before adulthood comes kidult hood’ creates anticipation as well as excitement for the audience.

Media representation: How is gender represented in this trailer?
In this trailer, Males are portrayed as the dominant out of the two sexes because the trailer involves the degrading of women through sex and abusive nature. For instance we can see a woman being manhandled in the bedroom around the middle of the trailer. This can signify to us that the women have accepted the males as the imperative and in this trailer are being represented as a commodity rather than human beings. The trailer indicates to us that the males will be the ones causing the havoc in contrast to the women who are seen to play a sort of side role. A stereotypical technique evident in many gangster/youth crime related films.
Media audiences: What target audience would be attracted to this film?  
The main group of people who would likely want to view this film would be teenagers as they would find it informative and can relate to the events. Although adults would also view this film to develop a broader understanding of how youths related crime can affect their area or just to get an insight into young people’s lives. More reason for the likelihood viewer to be a teenager would be that the trailer adopts the use of colloquial language and again adults would love to gain further knowledge into ‘street life’.  The audience can be classified as being, a C, D and E socio-economic classification, as the types of characters and settings shown reinforce that it targets more specifically the lower income consumers. Additionally the psychographics shows that, the audience attracted to this particular film, share the same interests, for instance the use of the weapons, e.g. guns and knives, makes the primary audience more aware of the props included which will engage them.
Media Institutions: What low budget values and characteristics can you identify in this trailer?
The institution involved with the making of this film is SHNY media. Form this we can recognise that the institution is not well known and established as one that people may know of. The actors who play their roles on screen are also not very recognisable ones as they do not spring to mind when we first see them. This is one factor which signifies to us that the film was low budget as the directors were not wealthy enough to hire acknowledged actors. Also another factor which is significant is the lighting used, not very much which is typical of a low budget production.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Textual Analysis , Hyundai baby advert

Textual analysis
Media forms: Which advertising techniques are being used?
Throughout the advert various techniques are being exploited to make the advertisement seem more appealing. An example would be the pace of which the advertisement runs through. Quick, sharp and provides us with the information we need to trust the company enough to invest in it. The pace is quick so it tends to stick better especially as it also addresses the company’s motto at the end; ‘drive your way’. The producers of the advertisement also choose to include the irony, for instance it is ironic that a pair of babies could stumble across the concept of driving and surfing on the water when yet they can barley manage to stand on two feet. Another message that could be conveyed through this is that the car they’ve produced is so safe that even a toddler can maintain the running of it. Also the use of irony in the advertisement makes it humorous and when it is funny it seems more significant as it makes the viewer feel upbeat.
Representation: How is gender represented in this advertisement?
In the advertisement both of the babies who play a role are different sexes. Therefore emphasizing the theme of equality. Even though the car is being driven by the boy, this also could connote that males even from a young age are more dominant as the boy is in the driving seat he is taking control of the situation while the female youngster is in the passenger seat smiling and generally having a good time. Also again even though they both go to the beach only the male boy is surfing while the female is in the car having fun observing. And again at the start of the advertisement when the boy climbs out of his cot he is the down who picks up the keys and this could be a symbolism that the keys are in his hands and he is the one making the decisions. Through this, the advertisement looks as if it also believes in the traditional roles of men and women where men take action while women are taking the backseat.
Institution: What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
The Hyundai brand is portrayed as experienced and one which viewers would like to pursue interests in. The producers purposefully choose to include two babies in the advertisement to make the seem more responsible and also the it made the advert cute because they’re babies. The majority of people would find them adorable and also the humorous side of the advertisement where the baby is surfing and performing different stunts on the surfboard. As a whole the babies make the advertisement seem more jubilant,
Audience: Who is the target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
The target audience for this advert would most likely be people over the age of 30 +, parents who are planning to settle down or on the verge of conceiving their third child. The advert intends to persuade the audience to purchase their product by ending the advert with a sweet and romantic scene which will hopefully entice viewers who are looking for a car which is suitable for the family.

Thursday 3 February 2011

T mobile advertisement textual analyisis

Media forms: what conventions of advertising are evident in this text?, There are many conventions present in the text for instance one which is worth mentioning is ambiguity throughout the advertisement. Forcing the audience to raise questions and in turn become more engaged. For example what is going to happen next?, why are they playing this type of music? Could it be to set the atmosphere?
The company’s slogan at the end ‘life’s for sharing’ is significant because it helps the audience remember the t mobile brand because of its catchy motto. 
Representation: How is technology represented in this advertisement? In this advertisement technology is portrayed as a sort of connection pathway which helps people achieve an optimistic outlook on their life by using the mobile brand, hence the brands slogan ‘life’s for sharing’. They make the brand more appealing by setting their advertisement in a train station which symbolises all the different networks and people crossing  over  to get to their destination similar to that of t- mobiles phone network connecting people, again their slogan comes into play ‘life’s for sharing’ .
Institution-what is communicated about the t mobile brand and the experience it offers?
T-mobile enforces its brand and motto: ‘life’s for sharing’ by having so many people doing a dance routine that is very fun and also very appealing. The genres of music that are included target old and new generations, bringing everybody together and sharing the moment emphasizing their slogan repeatedly, ‘life’s for sharing’.
Audience-what target audience is t mobile aiming to attract in this advertisement?
I can suggest having viewed the advertisement that the main function would be all people who use a mobile phone. They purposefully place a big group of people in unison, who range from very diverse backgrounds. Insinuating that all people no matter where they’re from or who they are can take advantage of t-mobile.

Friday 14 January 2011

Sun Advert 4.0

The advertisement uses many codes and conventions which help to appeal to the audience. For instance during the advertisement there is an image of two hands coming together and one dropping some changes to the other. This could be signifying the idea that anybody can purchase this newspaper as it entails to not just one specific target audience but is universally targeted.
In the advertisement there is a voice-over which  describes the attributes of the sun newspaper similar to that of a high performance laptop. Making comments such as how wide the area of the two spread page is to ‘version 4.0’ at the end making the newspaper seem so much more valuable and worth it. This would appeal to audiences as it gives them a reason to purchase this newspaper because of how unique it is. Another  technique which  the makers of the advertisement have used is making the advert short as it is quick and memorable. This would stick to audiences minds and make them remember the next time they have an opportunity to buy the sun newspaper.

The sun newspaper presents many ways of how new technology is being used amongst people in today’s society.  The advertisement informs us about the aesthetics of the newspaper mentioning how mobile it is and that it should be shared within bands of people. The advertisement makers also at the end purposefully mention that it is one hundred percent recyclable, enforcing the idea that it is also energy efficient  and better for the environment, so now targeting environmentalists as well as normal people . They make comparisons to the company apple by advertising their newspaper similar to that of how apple would for their I phone. For instance making comments such  as ‘never loses reception’. While apples first version of the I phone had many problems with reception and was considered as one of the many downfalls it had. In the terms the newspaper have used their advertisement, it almost is very ironic as it doesn’t seem possible that a newspaper would ‘lose its reception’
Media institution:
During the introduction of the advertisement the voice over comments behind the movement of picture that is the ‘must have accessory of 2009’, again making it seem as if it where some sort of gadget. The universal image of the two hands at the end connotes to me that the sun consider themselves as a household name and product, appealing to everyone. Although this maybe I still think that the sun use dominant ideology in their newspaper as they present a series of white entertainers rather than showing a diverse range of people.
The sun adopts many techniques to make their advertisement and as a whole their newspaper appeals to the audience. A great example would be their chosen field in the social demographics which is C2DE which consists of mainly the working class, labour workers, unemployed people students and pensioners. These groups of people are most likely to purchase the newspaper because of the content in it as it mentions the x factor and Simon Cowell a very popular figurehead for the country and the show x factor appeals to everyone because the people in it all have equal opportunities and all auditioned in the same way, so nobody is getting any special treatment. I think that especially this trait that the newspaper have included in there advertisement makes it appealing because the people in those socio economic groups all feel like they are the shadow of society and that people who are in higher class have more opportunity than them and the show which is mentioned has its own values and that is that everybody has a chance. This is similar to the sun newspaper as it promotes their signature motto ‘the people’s paper’ in this case the people would be those in the groups mentioned.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Lynx advert- Textual Analysis

Lynx- Dry advert , Textual analysis
Codes and conventions-Media forms:
The text uses a variety of techniques to follow the codes and conventions, for instance the product appears to us a numerous amount of times to enforce the information is input into our brains. It also has a catchy slogan/motto which would be appealing to men since it mentions that ‘girls only like dry guys’, and this would be a beneficial asset which the advertisement incorporates into its promoting procedures.  The advert moves rapidly to aid the music and the cutting of shots, this would be a contributing asset in advertising purposes as it forces the advert to ‘stick’ to people’s minds. Also the use of non diagetic sound in the advert  externalizes the concept of reality and makes it seem more like a fantasy. This would catch many males attention as it could support their ideas about sexual fantasy, giving them the idea that they can be one step closer to that mirage which offers acceptance.  Also the use of a hyperbolic plot is used to place some comical humour into the advert and making it more memorable.
This advert is presented to have an alternative ideology to others as the male character in the advert is seen as the victim instead of the ‘predator’. The women in this advert are presented to be highly sexual and take the form of a mystical sea creature known as a mermaid. They seem to be the more dominant characters in this advertisement. Men who watch this advert would likely be infatuated by the use of the theory known as voyeurism.
The primary target audience of this advert is indicated to be males from the age of about 15+, and the socioeconomic class would consist of D,E and C2, mainly because it contains sexual references which males find appealing. The women are purposefully shown to be sexually frustrated to satisfy the fantasy that men would find appealing. Engaging the target audience as well.
The institutions which are involved in the making of this advert are uni-lever. Being a modern and contemporary organisation they will have brand new ideas and an alternative ideology. Due to the fact that it is so new this means that it doesn’t conform to old ideologies such as men being the more dominant ones. An example of this would be this advert where they have switched the common ideologies and made men the ones who are trying to catch women’s attention whereas in other institutions it would be typical for women to try to make themselves as pretty as possible.